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Evidencije prostornih podataka u autorskoj kartografiji


Title (Dublin Core)

hrv Evidencije prostornih podataka u autorskoj kartografiji
eng Spatial Data Records in Copyright Cartography

Description (Dublin Core)

hrv Danas korisnici karata pred kartografe postavljaju vrlo jasne zahtjeve. Prema provedenom i opisanom istraživanju autora, čak 31% korisnika očekuje službene karte sa stanjem starim do jedne godine, a 26% do pet godina. U autorskoj kartografiji očekuje se da komercijalni proizvodi (npr. autokarte, turističke karte i sl.) budu „up to date“. Najzahtjevniji dio izrade svakog autorskoga kartografskog prikaza čini prikupljanje, izbor i obrada prostornih podataka. Autori karata, osim autorskih prava na kartama, odgovorni su za podatke prikazane na karti, a s obzirom na opisanu ažurnost evidencija prostornih podataka, taj zahtjev nije uvijek jednostavno ispuniti. U radu je dana podjela na službenu i autorsku kartografiju koja se zasniva na stupnju slobode utjecaja autora na kartografski prikaz.
eng Map users impose today very clear requirements on cartographers. According to the research conducted and described author, even 31% of users expect the official maps with the contents not older than one year, and 26% the contents not older than five years. In the copyright cartography the commercial products (e.g. road maps, tourist maps and similar) are expected to be "up to date“. The most demanding part in the production of each cartographic presentation is the collection, compilation and processing of spatial data. Map authors are responsible for the data presented on maps, apart from copyright, and referring to the described need to update the records of spatial data, this demand is not always easy to fulfil. The paper presents the classification into copyright and official cartography based on the level of influence that the author has on cartographic presentation.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Poslončec-Petrić, Vesna
Birin, Igor
Frangeš, Stanislav

Subject (Dublin Core)

hrv autorska kartografija; službena kartografija; održavanje karata; evidencije prostornih podataka
eng copyright cartography; official cartography; map maintenance; records of spatial data

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 67 (90)
Issue 1

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.