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Digital Cadastral Surveying for Land Encroachment Identification using Spatial Technologies


Title (Dublin Core)

eng Digital Cadastral Surveying for Land Encroachment Identification using Spatial Technologies
hrv Digitalna katastarska izmjera za identifikaciju prisvajanja zemljišta primjenom prostornih tehnologija

Description (Dublin Core)

eng Digital Cadastral Surveying is the need of present and future generations. The invention of Computer has revamped the face of the world dynamically. Every day in our life is digitalised and with out computers the world could not perform efficiently. The Computers, Satellite images, Aerial digital images could be efficaciously used in the creation of new experimental methodologies for Cadastral Surveying. Land records are obtained by Cadastral Surveying, which in turn provides the cornerstone for Land Use Planning. Land Use planning is influenced by many factors directly and indirectly. Land encroachment is found to be one of the direct factors affecting Land Use Planning. The Land Encroachments are identified by digitisation and overlaying analysis using standard GIS software, GPS Equipments for obtaining Ground Control Points, with Satellite images and Aerial images combined with conventional land records available with the Government Authority. Disquisition of Land encroachment is undertaken in this paper, to find the encroachment and its types. The problems involved in the encroachments, their detrimental effects on country’s growth are considered while formation of methodology to the serve the purpose of its creation. Pros and Cons of the technology is known from the work and explained. This is a Research application requiring hybridization of technologies to obtain high quality spatial surveying products.
hrv Digitalna katastarska izmjera potreba je sadašnjih i budućih generacija. Pojava računala promijenila je u dinamičkom smislu cijeli svijet. Bez digitalnih uređaja i bez računala svijet ne može učinkovito funkcionirati. Računala, satelitske i zračne digitalne snimke mogu se učinkovito upotrebljavati u kreiranju novih eksperimentalnih metoda katastarske izmjere. Podaci u zemljišnim knjigama dobiveni su katastarskom izmjerom, što nam osigurava temeljne podatke za planiranje i upotrebu zemljišta. Planiranje upotrebe zemljišta pod utjecajem je brojnih čimbenika, izravno i neizravno. Prisvajanje zemljišta moguće je identificirati digitalizacijom i razlikovnom analizom pomoću standardnih GIS softvera, uz upotrebu GPS uređaja, satelitskih i aerofotogrametrijskih snimki u kombinaciji s uobičajenim podacima iz zemljišnih knjiga. Rasprava u ovom radu provodi se u svrhu otkrivanja vrsta i tipova prisvajanja zemljišta. Razmatraju se problemi koji nastaju zbog prisvajanja te njihovi štetni utjecaji na državu koja ima tendenciju rasta i širenja, kao i definiranje metodologije koja služi njezinom stvaranju. Prednosti i nedostaci takve tehnologije objašnjeni su u radu. Primjena istraživanja zahtijeva hibridnu tehnologiju za dobivanje visoko kvalitetnih rezultata.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Gopi, Krishnan T.
Ramakrishnan, S. S.

Subject (Dublin Core)

eng digital cadastral survey; land encroachment; identification; GIS; GPS
hrv digitalna katastarska izmjera; prisvajanje zemljišta; identifikacija; GIS; GPS

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 66 (89)
Issue 2

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.