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An Analysis of the Impact of Errors Occurring in the Auxiliary Parameters while Determining Geometric Corrections of Distance


Title (Dublin Core)

eng An Analysis of the Impact of Errors Occurring in the Auxiliary Parameters while Determining Geometric Corrections of Distance
hrv Analiza utjecaja pogrešaka pomoćnih veličina pri određivanju geometrijskih popravaka duljina

Description (Dublin Core)

eng Distance measurement results are hampered by systematic and accidental errors. The influence of systematic errors is reduced or eliminated mostly through the entering of appropriate corrections or through the use of a particular measurement method. A large number of different sources of corrections may be divided into three groups, namely into meteorological, geometric and projection corrections. In this paper, exclusively geometric corrections are explored. The determination of geometric corrections and the elimination of their influence upon measurement results demands knowledge or measurement of various auxiliary parameters. Auxiliary parameters are also hampered by accidental errors, which under the law of propagation of errors affect the precision of the distance measured adjusted for geometric corrections. These are all generally known facts, but due to reasons unknown to the authors, the problematics exposed in this paper have not yet been treated in literature. This paper presents an analysis of the impact of auxiliary parameters on the precision of measured distances that have been adjusted for geometric corrections. Knowing the precision of a distance adjusted in this manner is significant, as the previously listed effects are present in the daily implementation of surveying tasks in the field of precise geodetic measurements and in the calibration of electronic instruments used to measure distances. This paper also presents a detailed example of calculating the impact of geodetic sources and their standard deviations on the precision of an electronically measured distance. In addition, this paper can also serve as a detailed general instruction manual for everyday professional application during precision distance measurements.
hrv Rezultati mjerenja duljina opterećeni su sustavnim i slučajnim pogreškama. Utjecaj sustavnih pogrešaka smanjuje se ili eliminira najčešće unošenjem odgovarajućih popravaka ili metodom mjerenja. Veliki broj različitih izvora popravaka može se podijeliti u tri skupine, i to: meteorološke, geometrijske i projekcijske popravke. U ovom radu obrađene su samo geometrijske popravke. Određivanje geometrijskih popravka i eliminiranje njihovih utjecaja iz rezultata mjerenja zahtijeva poznavanje ili mjerenje različitih pomoćnih veličina. Pomoćne veličine su, također, opterećene slučajnim pogreškama koje prema zakonu o rasprostiranju pogrešaka utječu i na točnost duljine popravljene za geometrijske popravke. Ovo su opće poznate činjenice, ali iz autorima nepoznatih razloga, problematika izložena u ovom radu nije do sada tretirana u stručnoj literaturi. U radu je prikazana analiza utjecaja pomoćnih veličina na točnost mjerene duljine koja je popravljena za geometrijske popravke. Poznavanje točnosti ovako popravljene duljine je važno, jer su navedeni utjecaji svakodnevno prisutni pri realizaciji geodetskih zadataka iz područja preciznih geodetskih mjerenja, kao i pri umjeravanju elektroničkih instrumenata za mjerenje duljina. Također, prikazan je i detaljan primjer računanja utjecaja geometrijskih izvora i njihovih standardnih odstupanja na točnost elektronički izmjerene duljine. Stoga, rad može poslužiti i kao detaljne, opće upute za svakodnevnu profesionalnu primjenu prilikom preciznih mjerenja duljina.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Medved, Milan
Ganić, Aleksandar
Vulić, Milivoj

Subject (Dublin Core)

eng electronic distance measurement; geometric corrections; standard deviation
hrv elektroničko mjerenje duljina; geometrijske popravke; standardno odstupanje

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 66 (89)
Issue 1

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.