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Automatizacija ispitivanja preciznosti teodolita prema normi HRN ISO 17123-3:2004


Title (Dublin Core)

hrv Automatizacija ispitivanja preciznosti teodolita prema normi HRN ISO 17123-3:2004
eng Automation of Theodolite Precision Testing according to the Norm HRN ISO 17123-3:2004

Description (Dublin Core)

hrv U radu je dan pregled međunarodnih i hrvatskih norma koje su nužne pri ispitivanju, umjeravanju i iskazivanju mjerne nesigurnosti za geodetska mjerila. U Zakonu o mjeriteljstvu (NN 2003b, NN 2007) ističe se važnost održavanja državnih etalona, njihova usporedba s međunarodnim etalonima, te ispitivanja, ovjeravanja i mjeriteljski nadzor mjerila. Na osnovi tog zakona Hrvatski zavod za norme donio je dvije Naredbe (NN 2003a, NN 2005). U tim naredbama nabrajaju se sva mjerila, a među njima su i geodetski instrumenti i pribor, nad kojima se moraju provoditi periodična ispitivanja i umjeravanja radi utvrđivanja njihove ispravnosti te procjene mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata mjerenja. Navedene su sve pogreške koje utječu na mjerenja horizontalnih pravaca i vertikalnih kutova teodolitom. Detaljno je opisan postupak ispitivanja preciznosti mjerenja horizontalnih pravaca i vertikalnih kutova teodolitom prema potpunom testu norme HRN ISO 17123-3:2004 (HRN ISO 2004). Za ispitivanje preciznosti teodolita prema toj normi izrađen je program Teodolit_ISO.
eng The paper offers an overview of international and Croatian norms necessary in testing, calibration and indication of measuring uncertainty for geodetic instruments. The Act on Measurement (NN 2003b, NN 2007) emphasizes the importance of maintaining the state standards, their comparison with international standards, as well as the testing, verification and monitoring of instruments. On the basis of the Act mentioned above there have been two Order (NN 2003a, NN 2005) passed by the Croatian Standards Institute. In these Orders there are all instruments listed, including geodetic instruments and equipment that have to be tested and calibrated periodically for the purpose of defining their correctness and estimating the measuring uncertainty of measurement results. All errors are given that influence the measurement of horizontal and vertical angles with theodolite. The procedure of testing the measurement precision of horizontal and vertical angles with theodolite according to the norm HRN ISO 17123-3:2004 (HRN ISO 2004) is described in details. For the purpose of testing the theodolite precision according to this norm there was the programme Teodolit_ISO created.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Zrinjski, Mladen
Barković, Đuro
Tir, Mariana

Subject (Dublin Core)

hrv norme; umjeravanje; automatizacija; preciznost; teodolit; mjerna nesigurnost
eng norms; calibration; automation; precision; theodolite; measuring uncertainty

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 65 (88)
Issue 2

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.