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Analysis of Structure Surveying Method by 3D Laser Scanners


Title (Dublin Core)

eng Analysis of Structure Surveying Method by 3D Laser Scanners
hrv Analiza metode izmjere građevinskih objekata 3D laserskim skenerima

Description (Dublin Core)

eng Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in carrying out projects in the construction industry is increasingly applied. This paper is considering the issue of accuracy that can be achieved by pulse TLS, evaluation of the measurement results and the applicability of this technology for the structure survey. Analyzing the measurement methods allows the identification of systematic errors of the instrument, which is serious obstacle for high-accuracy of TLS. In this article a standardization measurement procedure and the relationship between the projected tolerance and TLS calibration are given. At the same time the results of individual calibration of pulsed Leica scanners are presented, in which the systematic errors of measurement results are determined by the given model. Evaluation of survey results confirmed the high applicability of TLS for the structures survey.
hrv Pri realizaciji projekata u građevinarstvu sve češće se primjenjuje terestričko lasersko skeniranje (TLS). U radu se opisuje točnost koja se može postići impulsnim TLS-om, evaluacija rezultata mjerenja i primjena ove tehnologije za izmjeru građevinskih objekata. Analiza metode mjerenja omogućava identifikaciju sustavnih pogrešaka instrumenta, koje su ozbiljna smetnja za postizanje visoke točnosti TLS-om. U radu je dan standardni postupak mjerenja te veza između projektirane tolerancije i kalibracije TLS-a. Istovremeno su prikazani rezultati individualne kalibracije impulsnih skenera tvrtke Leica, pri kojoj su sustavne pogreške rezultata mjerenja određene integralno prema prikazanom modelu. Evaluacija rezultata mjerenja potvrđuje visoku primjenljivost TLS-a za izmjeru građevinskih objekata.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Nedeljković Ostojić, Jasmina
Govedarica, Miro
Ninkov, Toša

Subject (Dublin Core)

eng terrestrial laser scanners; structures survey; scanner calibration; survey results evaluation
hrv terestrički laserski skeneri; izmjera građevinskih objekata; kalibracija skenera; evaluacija rezultata mjerenja

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 65 (88)
Issue 1

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.