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Suvremena topografska izmjera i geovizualizacija palagruškog arhipelaga za potrebe interdisciplinarnih istraživanja


Title (Dublin Core)

hrv Suvremena topografska izmjera i geovizualizacija palagruškog arhipelaga za potrebe interdisciplinarnih istraživanja
eng Modern Topographic Survey and Geovisualisation of Palagruža Archipelago Needed in Interdisciplinary Research

Description (Dublin Core)

hrv U članku su opisana geodetska mjerenja na Palagruži od prve triangulacijske i topografske izmjere do GPS-mjerenja u sklopu projekata EUREF i CRODYN. Provedena je prva detaljna topografska izmjera cjelovitoga palagruškog otočja. Suvremenim terestričkim, satelitskim i aerofotogrametrijskim postupcima izmjere prikupljeni su položajni i atributni podaci otočja. Ti su podaci potrebni, kao jedan od izvornika, za izradu Hrvatske osnovne karte (HOK), ali i za izradu digitalnog modela reljefa i 3D DSM-modela otoka i otočića, kao prostorne osnovice za interdisciplinarna znanstvena istraživanja i motrenja.
eng The paper describes geodetic measurements on Palagruža from the first triangulation and topographic survey up to GPS measurements within the scope of the projects EUREF and CRODYN. There is also the first detailed topographic survey of the entire area of the Palagruža islands. Modern terrestrial, satellite and aerial photogrammetric procedures were used to collect positional and attribute data of the islands. These data are needed as one of the sources for the production of Croatian Base Map (CBM), but also for the production of digital terrain model (DTM) and 3D digital surface model (DSM) for the islands and small islands as spatial basis for interdisciplinary scientific research and monitoring.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Špoljarić, Drago
Kranjec, Mario
Medak, Frane
Šoštar, Karlo

Subject (Dublin Core)

hrv Palagruža; topografska izmjera; vizualizacija prostornih podataka; HOK 1:5000; DMR; 3D DSM; interdisciplinarna istraživanja
eng Palagruža; topographic survey; visualisation of spatial data; CBM 1:5000; DTM; 3D DSM; interdisciplinary research

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 64 (87)
Issue 2

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.