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A Factor Model of the Relationship between Stream Sediment Geochemistry and Adjacent Drainage Basin Lithology, Medvednica Mt., Croatia


Title (Dublin Core)

eng A Factor Model of the Relationship between Stream Sediment Geochemistry and Adjacent Drainage Basin Lithology, Medvednica Mt., Croatia

Description (Dublin Core)

eng A mathematical model is constructed to relate the geochemical composition of recent stream material in a number of catchments on Medvednica Mt. to a broadely defined bedrock lithology which represents the parent material for the former. It is a system based factor model, which synthesizes eight lithological and 25 geochemical variables (major, minor and trace elements), reducing their relationships to six geologically meaningful factors. Five of these divulged a definite relationship between geochemistry and lithology. These are labelled as follows: factor of metamorphic rocks; factor of igneous rocks; factor of Tertiary carbonate rocks; factor of parametamorphic rocks and factor of Mesozoic carbonate rocks. Two lithologies; the Mesozoic clastic rocks and Quaternary sediments showed no clear association to any of the factors. Alternatively, one of the factors (F2) can be identified as “non-lithologic” indicating other, perhaps anthropogenic, contributions to the stream sediment geochemical composition.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Halamić, J.
Peh, Z.
Bukovec, D.
Miko, S.
Galović, L.

Subject (Dublin Core)

eng Stream sediment; Lithology; Drainage basins; Geochemical composition; Factor analysis; Medvednica Mt.; Croatia

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian Geological Survey

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geologia Croatica
ISSN 1330-030X (Print)
ISSN 1333-4875 (Online)
Volume 54
Issue 1

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full text of articles are freely accessable. Subscription to print issue is 500,00 Kn (80 Eur) per volume.