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The energy cycle in a cyclone over the Bay of Genoa


Title (Dublin Core)

eng The energy cycle in a cyclone over the Bay of Genoa
hrv Energetski ciklus genovske ciklone

Description (Dublin Core)

eng Zonal available potential energy, eddy available potential energy, eddy kinetic energy and conversion of zonal to eddy potential energy have been evaluated for the period from 5 to 15 February 1986 using data from Wetterbericht charts. These terms were calculated for a limited domain ranging from 400N to 500N latitude and from 50E to 200E longitude. A cyclone developed over the Bay of Genoa during the considered period. The system formed simultaneously at all levels in the troposphere as was noticeable on the synoptic charts. The cyclone life cycle could be described by time variations of the eddy available potential energy, since it increased during the intensifying and decreased during the weakening stage of the system. A stability diagram has been used to examine connection of the cyclone amplification and calculated energy terms with conditions in the atmosphere presented by critical meridional temperature gradient. The results obtained by the stability diagram correspond to energy estimations. In those days for which the stability diagram indicated amplification of the cyclone, the eddy energy terms increased and so the cyclone growth was evident on the synoptic charts.
hrv Zonalna raspoloživa potencijalna energija, raspoloživa potencijalna energija makroporemećaja, kinetička energija makroporemećaja i transformacija zonalne raspoložive potencijalne energije u raspoloživu potencijalnu energiju makroporemećaja proračunati su za period od 5. do 15. veljače 1986. na temelju podataka dobivenih pomoću Wetterbericht sinoptičkih karata. U tom je periodu došlo do formiranja Genovske ciklone čiji je razvoj istovremeno uočljiv kako na prizemnim, tako i na visinskim sinoptičkim kartama. Raspoloživa potencijalna energija makroporemećaja povećavala se tijekom perioda jačanja ciklone, a smanjivala se tijekom njenog slabljenja, pa se razvoj ciklone može pratiti promjenama te veličine. Korišten je i dijagram stabilnosti za procjenu povezanosti razvoja ciklone i njene
energetike s uvjetima u atmosferi prikazanim pomoću kritičnog meridionalnog gradijenta temperature. Analiza rezultata pokazala je da razmatranje razvoja ciklone pomoću dijagrama stabilnosti odgovara energetskim procjenama. Naime, onih dana
kad je dijagram stabilnosti ukazivao na povoljne uvjete za jačanje ciklone, također se povećavala i energija makroporemećaja.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Herceg, Ivana

Subject (Dublin Core)

eng Available potential energy; kinetic energy; energy transformation; eddy; cyclone; stability diagram
hrv Raspoloživa potencijalna energija; kinetička energija; energija transormacije; vrtlog; ciklona; dijagram stabilnosti

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

ISSN 0352-3659 (Print)
ISSN 1846-6346 (Online)
Volume 15
Issue 1

Language (Dublin Core)


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