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Katastar vodova u lokalnoj samoupravi


Title (Dublin Core)

hrv Katastar vodova u lokalnoj samoupravi
eng Utility Cadastre in Local Self-Government

Description (Dublin Core)

hrv Grad Osijek prva je jedinica lokalne samouprave u RH koja je sukladno novim zakonima i propisima pristupila osnivanju, formiranju i preuzimanju katastra vodova. U članku su citirani najvažniji dijelovi zakona i pravilnika koji su stvorili pretpostavke i uredili način prelaska katastra vodova iz Državne geodetske uprave (DGU) na upravljanje u lokalnu samoupravu. Prikazan je pregled zatečenog stanja katastra vodova i način preuzimanja i prilagodbe vođenja katastra vodova u GIS (Geografski informacijski sustav) okruženju, a u skladu s važećim zakonskim propisima.
eng The town of Osijek is the first local self-government unit in the Republic of Croatia that has engaged in development, organizing and take over of the Utility Cadastre in compliance with the new laws. The article quotes the most important sections of the laws and regulations that serve as preconditions and that have helped arrange a mode of transfer of the Utility Cadastre from the State Geodetic Administration management to the local self-government. The article gives a review of the current state of the cable cadastre as well as a type of a take-over and adjustment of the Utility Cadastre management in GIS (geographic information system) environment in all in compliance with the existing law provisions.

Creator (Dublin Core)

Ivanković, Predrag

Subject (Dublin Core)

hrv katastar vodova; GIS; lokalna samouprava
eng Utility Cadastre; GIS; local self-government

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Croatian geodetic society

Date (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Identifier (Dublin Core)

Source (Dublin Core)

Geodetski list
ISSN 0016-710X (Print)
ISSN 1849-0611 (Online)
Volume 62 (85)
Issue 3

Language (Dublin Core)


Rights (Dublin Core)

Full-text papers can be used for personal or educational purposes only. Authors' and publisher's copyrights must be acknowledged.